Taiwan sixth most-favorably viewed country among Americans

Taiwan sixth most-favorably viewed country among Americans
Taiwan sixth most-favorably viewed country among Americans

About 77 percent of Americans view Taiwan favorably, while China is still considered the US’ greatest foe, a Gallup poll released on Monday showed.

Taiwan ranked sixth in favorability behind only Canada, Japan, the UK, Germany and France.

Asked who is the US’ “greatest enemy today,” 41 percent said China, down from 50 percent last year.

Photo: Tyrone Siu, Reuters

Russia was second at 26 percent, also down from the 32 percent recorded last year.

However, more Americans are viewing Iran as the nation’s greatest enemy at 9 percent this year from only 2 percent last year on the back of news about Iran’s support for the Houthis.

A record 5 percent named the US itself as the nation’s greatest enemy, the highest since Gallup began asking the question in 2001 after previously never exceeding 2 percent.

Americans were also ideologically divided on their perception of the nation’s greatest enemy, with 67 percent of Republicans naming China to only 18 percent of Democrats.

On the other hand, 48 percent of Democrats named Russia to only 10 percent of Republicans.

More independents are viewing China favorably, up to 29 percent this year from 18 percent last year.

The telephone poll of 1,016 adults was conducted from Feb. 1 to 20 in all US states and Washington. The margin of error was 4 percentage points and the poll had a 95 percent confidence level.

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Tags: Taiwan sixth mostfavorably viewed country among Americans



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