Fernando de Noronha now has 5G internet signal | Living Noronha

Fernando de Noronha now has 5G internet signal | Living Noronha
Fernando de Noronha now has 5G internet signal | Living Noronha

1 of 1 Residents of the island now have access to 5G — Photo: Ana Clara Marinho/TV Globo
Residents of the island now have access to 5G — Photo: Ana Clara Marinho/TV Globo

More than a year after the arrival of fifth generation mobile internet in Brazil, Fernando de Noronha started receiving the 5G signal. After a series of tests, operator Tim announced the service for tourist residents. According to the company, two new technology sites were installed, at the 3500 MHz frequency.

Operator Tim informed that the service will be available to around 3 thousand residents and 120 tourists who visit Noronha per year.

The company’s Technology Director, Marco Di Costanzo, said that activating fifth generation technology in Fernando de Noronha is an emblematic milestone, due to the challenge of bringing infrastructure to the island, and understanding the need for everyone to be connected, with a service of quality.

Costanzo also said that the first measurements indicated that 35% of the entire volume of data transmitted on the island already passes through the company’s 5G network.

g1 contacted the other operators to find out what their plans are for making the fifth generation service available.

Vivo did not inform the expected implementation of the technology in Noronha and only said that the company’s 5G is available in all capitals and cities with more than 500 thousand inhabitants and continues to be rapidly expanded to municipalities with more than 200 thousand inhabitants.

The company Claro informed that it “highlights the importance of the state of Pernambuco and will continue investing in expanding its 5G network in the region and, as soon as it has news for Fernando de Noronha, the community and the local press will be informed”.

VIDEOS: most viewed in the last 7 days in Pernambuco

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Fernando Noronha internet signal Living Noronha



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