Adjustments to public servant health plans may have prices reduced by up to 100%

Adjustments to public servant health plans may have prices reduced by up to 100%
Adjustments to public servant health plans may have prices reduced by up to 100%

With the federal government’s announcement this week of a 51% increase in the price of employee health benefits, the amounts of adjustments paid for Health Self-Management Group (Geap) plans will be reduced by up to 100%. Depending on the age group and remuneration of federal workers, the values ​​of adjustments to health plans could reach zero cost, since the operator signed, in February, a new agreement with the Union renegotiating its table with reductions of up to 14 %.

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The so-called supplementary health per capita, a benefit guaranteed by the government to employees who have collective plans agreed with the agencies, has not been updated since 2016.

The announced adjustment is intended for active employees and retirees, in addition to dependents and pensioners.

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The benefit is paid in amounts defined according to remuneration and age and has a different percentage between the ranges, with the aim of guaranteeing equity in treatment, with an increase for employees with lower remuneration, with adjustments reaching 80%, 90% and up to 100%. %, in some cases.

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— The per capita adjustment will mainly benefit elderly and low-income employees. Applying this greater contribution of resources to supplementary health assistance has a positive impact on the purchasing power of these people, who eight years ago suffered from outdated values ​​— says Geap’s CEO, Douglas Figueredo.



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