URGENT: Major Ronald is arrested by the PF accused of involvement in the murder of Marielle Franco

URGENT: Major Ronald is arrested by the PF accused of involvement in the murder of Marielle Franco
URGENT: Major Ronald is arrested by the PF accused of involvement in the murder of Marielle Franco

This Thursday (9/5), two arrest warrants were served against Robson Calixto da Fonseca, known as “Peixe”, former advisor to Domingos Brazão, and military police officer Ronald Alves de Paula, known as “Major Ronald” .

Major PM Ronald Paulo Alves Pereira upon arriving arrested at the Police City on 01/22/2019 — Photo: Márcia Foletto / Agêcia O Globo

Both are identified as being involved in the murders of councilor Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes, which occurred in March 2018. The arrests were carried out by the Federal Police of Rio de Janeiro, based on requests from the Attorney General’s Office (PGR).

The complaint against the two suspects was presented by the PGR to the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Peixe was charged with a criminal organization, while Ronald was accused of participating in Marielle’s murder.

Investigations indicate that the murder of Marielle Franco was planned by the brothers Domingos and Chiquinho Brazão. Domingos is a counselor at the State Court of Auditors, and Chiquinho is a federal deputy for Rio de Janeiro and was a councilor at the time of the crime. Both were arrested during a Federal Police operation in Rio de Janeiro in March, following preventive arrest warrants issued by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: URGENT Major Ronald arrested accused involvement murder Marielle Franco



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