Anac team leaves Fernando de Noronha and aircraft that were detained are released to travel | Living Noronha

Anac team leaves Fernando de Noronha and aircraft that were detained are released to travel | Living Noronha
Anac team leaves Fernando de Noronha and aircraft that were detained are released to travel | Living Noronha

1 of 1 Anac carried out inspection in Fernando de Noronha — Photo: Ana Clara Marinho/TV Globo
Anac carried out inspection in Fernando de Noronha — Photo: Ana Clara Marinho/TV Globo

The inspectors informed the g1 report that they were not authorized to give an interview about the work carried out in Fernando de Noronha.

Anac informed, in a note, that the aircraft required the verification of items for flight operational safety and that it advised the needs to be regularized.

The note also informed that as soon as the companies made the necessary adjustments, the aircraft would resume operation.

The cancellation of flights was the reason for many complaints from passengers. Azul also informed in a note that an ATR model aircraft underwent a routine inspection by Anac, in Fernando de Noronha, causing the flight to be rescheduled.

“The company highlights that customers are receiving all necessary assistance, as provided for in Anac resolution 400”, indicated Azul.

g1 also contacted Voepass, but did not receive a response until the last update of this report.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Anac team leaves Fernando Noronha aircraft detained released travel Living Noronha

