After price cuts, iPhone sales increase in China


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Apple has been facing major challenges in China, where the company’s sales had the worst result since 2020. To try to reverse this situation, the company decided to reduce iPhone prices and has already reaped the first results.

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Discounts on iPhone 15 reach up to 10%

iPhone sales in China increased by 12% in March this year. The data are from the Chinese Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT) and were published this Wednesday (09).

In total, 3.75 million units were sold. In the same period last year, 3.35 million devices had been sold.

Analysts claim that this recovery movement is directly related to the price cuts of some products. Some iPhone 15 models, for example, are being sold in Chinese territory with discounts of up to 10%. The information is from Reuters.

Apple had been recording a drop in iPhone sales in China (Image: Champhei/Shutterstock)

Signs of company recovery in China

  • Sales in March represent a significant recovery compared to the first two months of 2024, when Apple recorded a 37% drop in sales.
  • During the first quarter of this year, the company’s smartphone shipments in China fell 19%, the worst performance since 2020.
  • The main reason for this drop was the launch of new smartphones by Huawei in August last year.
  • The dispute between the governments of China and the United States also has an impact.
  • This is because Chinese authorities have increased efforts to replace foreign companies and strengthen domestic industry.
  • This is a reaction to the series of sanctions adopted by the White House against Beijing.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: price cuts iPhone sales increase China

