Body of Acre pilot who died in a plane crash on a RR farm arrives in AC on Thursday night (9) | Acre

Body of Acre pilot who died in a plane crash on a RR farm arrives in AC on Thursday night (9) | Acre
Body of Acre pilot who died in a plane crash on a RR farm arrives in AC on Thursday night (9) | Acre

1 of 2 Bruno Cézar Carneiro died in a plane crash in Roraima on Tuesday (7) — Photo: Personal archive
Bruno Cézar Carneiro died in a plane crash in Roraima on Tuesday (7) — Photo: Personal archive

The body of Acre pilot Bruno Cezar Brito Carneiro, aged 39, arrives in Rio Branco on Thursday night (9) for a wake and burial. The pilot died in the crash of an agricultural plane on a farm in the city of Iracema, in Roraima, last Tuesday (7).

The victim was rescued by helicopter on Wednesday afternoon (8) by rescue teams. Bruno Cézar had 20 years of experience as a pilot and for six years he had worked on an agricultural plane dropping products on soybean plantations in Acre and Roraima.

The information was confirmed to the g1 by the victim’s brother, Júnior Carneiro. “The body arrives on the 11 pm flight and will be released there at one o’clock [da madrugada]. The wake will be all day and the burial at 4pm. He worked with soybeans, with an agricultural plane,” he confirmed.

According to the relative, rescue teams began searching after Bruno Carneiro was left without giving any news. The place where the aircraft crashed is difficult to access and the search work continued until Wednesday afternoon.

2 of 2 Pilot was in an agricultural plane and crashed on a farm in Iracema, city of Roraima — Photo: Personal archive
Pilot was in an agricultural plane and crashed on a farm in Iracema, city of Roraima — Photo: Personal archive

“We were hoping he was alive. The rescue team from Roraima managed to find him and we knew he wasn’t alive. We were in contact with the teams, he was alone because these planes are small and only fit one person. We have no idea what happened , these flights are very low and risky. It was a fatality”, he lamented.

The pilot’s wake will be at Capela São Francisco, in the capital of Acre. He leaves behind a 2-year-old daughter and wife.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Body Acre pilot died plane crash farm arrives Thursday night Acre

