Navy sub-officer killed in attempted robbery on Avenida Brasil | Rio de Janeiro

Navy sub-officer killed in attempted robbery on Avenida Brasil | Rio de Janeiro
Navy sub-officer killed in attempted robbery on Avenida Brasil | Rio de Janeiro

Navy sub-officer killed in attempted robbery on Avenida Brasil

A Brazilian Navy sub-officer was killed in an attempted robbery on Avenida Brasil, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, in the early evening of this Thursday (9). Gutemberg Rossini Cardoso56 years old, was riding a motorcycle on the central lane towards Centro when, around Benfica, he was approached by criminals also on a motorcycle.

The episode took place around 6pm. Gutemberg was armed with a pistol and tried to react, but ended up shot at least 4 times in the head and fell on the selective track.

Rescuers from a Samu ambulance that was passing through the scene were called by drivers and attended to the soldier, but he did not resist.

The case was registered at the 21st DP (Bonsucesso) and forwarded to the Capital Homicide Police Station.

1 of 2 Navy sub-officer Gutemberg Rossini Cardoso — Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo
Navy sub-officer Gutemberg Rossini Cardoso — Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

Through social media, friends and members of the Moto Clube Águias de Cristo, of which Gutemberg was a member, paid tribute and mourned their companion’s death.

“I received very sad news: a great friend and brother in arms has just passed away… May our good God comfort everyone in the family”, posted a member of the group.

2 of 2 Motorbike by Gutemberg Rossini Cardoso — Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo
Moto by Gutemberg Rossini Cardoso — Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo

The boy was in a street on line 2303 (Centro-Santa Cruz) when, near Conjunto Campinho and Manguariba, 2 bandits announced the robbery.

The criminal went after him to try to get the backpack, there was a fight, and the victim was shot. The man was killed on the sidewalk, a few meters from the bus. The boy would have reacted and ended up being hit.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Navy subofficer killed attempted robbery Avenida Brasil Rio Janeiro

