Coffee prices soften – CNN Portugal

Coffee prices soften – CNN Portugal
Coffee prices soften – CNN Portugal

In Portugal, the coffee inflation rate was 3% in March 2024

In March, the increase in the price of coffee for consumers slowed down sharply in the European Union (EU) to 1.0%, compared to year-on-year inflation of 13.5%, approaching the level of July 2021 (0. 8%), Eurostat releases this Friday.

In Portugal, the coffee inflation rate – measured by the Consumer Price Index, used by Eurostat to allow comparisons between countries – was 3% in March 2024, a slowdown compared to 8.4% year-on-year.

The EU statistics service also highlights that the average coffee inflation rate in the European bloc has been slowing down since October 2022, when it reached a peak of 17.4% in the sharp acceleration that began in the same month of 2021 (2, 0%).

In 15 EU Member States, the coffee inflation rate was, in March, higher than in March, with Croatia (7.4%), Romania (6.8%) and Bulgaria (6.6%) to present the highest.

In the remaining 12 EU countries, the indicator fell, with Lithuania (-15.4%), Denmark (-7.5%), the Czech Republic (-6.5%) and Sweden (-6.0 %) registering the main year-on-year declines.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Coffee prices soften CNN Portugal

