Israeli tourist who died in Rio was reportedly scared by robbery

Israeli tourist who died in Rio was reportedly scared by robbery
Israeli tourist who died in Rio was reportedly scared by robbery

In a statement to DEAT, Hen states that they went to Christ the Redeemer and arrived at Corcovado at 4:10 pm, where they found a group of Israelis. At around 5pm, they tried to leave the place via app transport, but no driver accepted the ride. That was when Alma decided to walk back.

At around 6:30 pm, a red car stopped next to him, which was in front of Alma. According to the tourist, a man, who appeared to be between 30 and 40 years old, disembarked saying “give! give! give!” in a threatening tone, and began gesturing with his hands, appearing to order the two to hand over their goods.

According to Hen, he was not armed. Even so, Alma was scared and moved out of the street, trying to escape, climbing over a low wall. That’s when she lost her balance and fell down the hill, according to her friend’s report.

After the fall, the man got into the car and drove away. There were at least two robbers, the driver and the man who got out of the car.

The Israeli also says that he went towards a staircase that led to the place where his friend fell. Once he got down, he couldn’t find her and decided to call his other Israeli friend, Noam Arad. While talking on the phone, he found Alma lying on the floor, face up and crying loudly, appearing to be in a lot of pain.

The tourist then asked members of the public for help, and one of them called an ambulance. While waiting, Alma stopped crying and seemed unconscious. Hen told the police station that she checked her pulse, but she already appeared to have no vital signs. He tried to do cardiac massage, but it was too late. According to him, the ambulance arrived at the scene around 40 minutes after the fall, when he was informed by a doctor that Alma was already dead.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Israeli tourist died Rio reportedly scared robbery

