Zelensky fires head of bodyguards after yet another assassination attempt

Zelensky fires head of bodyguards after yet another assassination attempt
Zelensky fires head of bodyguards after yet another assassination attempt

In addition to the President of Ukraine, the head of the SBU, Vasyl Maliuk, and the head of the secret services, Kyrylo Budanov, were also targeted in the plan.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky fired the head of the agency responsible for his protection after two of his officers were detained over an alleged assassination plot.

The resignation of the head of the State Guard Service (UDO), Serhii Rud, was revealed in a decree published on the Presidency’s website. No reason was given.

According to Ukrainian state media Ukrinform, Rud was appointed Zelensky’s bodyguard in October 2019. A replacement has not yet been named.

The UDO is charged with ensuring the security of the President of Ukraine and senior state officials, as well as the protection of administrative buildings.

Earlier this week, it emerged that Ukraine had detained two security agents allegedly involved in a Russian plot to assassinate Zelensky.

Two UDO colonels were accused of carrying out “subversive activities against Ukraine in exchange for financial compensation”, Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office said on Tuesday.

Both colonels were accused of treason; one of them was also accused of preparing a terrorist act.

Kyiv’s State Security Service (SBU) said it had “thwarted” plans to assassinate Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian officials, including SBU chief Vasyl Maliuk and the head of Ukraine’s Secret Defense Service, Kyrylo Budanov.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office stated that one of the suspects received two drones and ammunition from the Russian State Security Service (FSB), which he intended to transfer to another accomplice to carry out an explosion.

Zelensky has reportedly faced several attempts on his life since Russia began its full invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. In addition to assassination plots, Zelensky has been the victim of several attempts on his life during his many visits to the front lines and Ukrainian cities under Russian bombing.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Zelensky fires bodyguards assassination attempt

