Body camera records PM shooting and killing suspect in SP


A man was killed during a Military Police action in a favela in Jardim Paulistano, Brasilândia region, north of the capital, on Wednesday morning (8).

The homicide was recorded by the camera that the PM wore attached to his uniform. The video shows the man in a dirt alley. He appears with his back to the PM, and then it is possible to hear a sequence of gunshots. Shot, the man falls to the ground and, as he falls, drops several objects, including something that appears to be a revolver.

In a statement, the SSP (Secretariat of Public Security) stated that the case is being investigated by the Department of Homicide and Personal Protection and the Military Police.

Suspect had his back to the police when the shots started – Photo: Reproduction

“The police were investigating a report of drug trafficking, in the Rua dos Coqueiros alley, in Jardim Paulistano, when they were surprised by a suspect armed with a 38 caliber revolver. They intervened and the man was shot. He was taken to Taipas General Hospital, but did not survive,” said the SSP.

The image from the camera of the police officer responsible for the shooting began to circulate in WhatsApp groups this Thursday afternoon (9).

According to the case report, police officers from the 18th battalion’s Tactical Force were monitoring a point known for drug trafficking when they alerted a suspect in possession of a backpack. Still according to the police, upon noticing the presence of the team, the suspect ran.

Police tried to approach him, but the man managed to escape. A second person was then approached at the door of her residence.

Afterwards, according to the police officers’ version, a man “was walking down one of the alleys there, in possession of a shotgun. 38 (numbering suppressed) with 6 intact ammunition, where the [nome do soldado] fired 11 shots and the [nome do soldado] fired 1 shot to stop the imminent risk”, says an excerpt from the document.

The man was rescued by a Fire Department ambulance and was taken to the Taipas emergency room, but he succumbed to his injuries.

The dead man was later identified as Venâncio Vieira dos Santos Neto. The police report identifies him as “a member of the criminal faction PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital)”. He was considered a fugitive from the prison system, where he was supposed to serve a sentence for robbery until 2042, and according to the BO he had several stints with the police.

“The weapons involved in the incident were seized and sent to forensics, as well as the suspect’s bag which contained cash and drug trafficking notes. The man was identified as a member of a criminal faction and had been on the run since January 2024, after failing to return from his temporary departure. Expert examinations were also requested from the Criminalistics Institute and the Legal Medical Institute”, added the SSP note.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Body camera records shooting killing suspect

