Rio Grande do Sul is expected to have heavy rain today

Rio Grande do Sul is expected to have heavy rain today
Rio Grande do Sul is expected to have heavy rain today

New storms are expected to hit the state of Rio Grande do Sul this Friday (10), whose capital, Porto Alegre, could record up to 330 millimeters of rain until Monday (13), according to an alert released by the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet).

The body, together with the National Center for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Alerts (Cemaden) and the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), issued a “technical note on geo-hydrological risks” for Rio Grande do Sul.

“Between Friday and Monday, the rains will be more intense in the central-east and northeast of the state, including the metropolitan region of the capital, which could further worsen the situation,” says the statement.

To date, Rio Grande do Sul’s Civil Defense has confirmed 107 deaths in the climate tragedy, while 134 people are still missing, almost 400,000 are away from home and 1.7 million have been affected.

In addition to the fear of new rains, insecurity is growing in some neighborhoods of Porto Alegre, where patrolling by the Military Brigade has been reinforced, with support from the National Public Security Force (FNSP) and the Federal Police (PF).

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Rio Grande Sul expected heavy rain today

