How to Break the Golden Cracks in God of War Ragnarok


In the exciting game “God of War Ragnarok”, players traverse different kingdoms, from Svartalfheim to Alfheim, facing enigmas that are part of Kratos’ heroic journey. Throughout the game, obstacles such as golden cracks and wind vents appear, which initially seem indestructible or impassable.

The Right Tool for the Job

How to Break the Golden Cracks in God of War Ragnarok
Reproduction: God of War Ragnarok

As players progress, they unlock essential weapons that turn these seemingly insurmountable challenges into simple steps to advance the story and explore new territories. The key weapon for dealing with the Golden Cracks is the Draupnir Spear, a powerful addition to Kratos’ arsenal.

Draupnir Spear: The Solution to Gold Cracks and Wind Vents

Approximately ten hours into the game, Kratos forges the Draupnir Spear. Inspired by Norse mythology, this spear is not only capable of causing explosions when thrown against golden cracks, but is also crucial for manipulating wind vents that block paths or hide secrets.

How to Use the Draupnir Spear

  1. Gold Cracks: Throw the Draupnir Spear into the glowing cracks and press Triangle to detonate the spear, causing an explosion that opens the way.
  2. Wind Outlets: When you find an exit where air is expelled, throw the spear so that Kratos can use the spear for support, allowing him to climb or swing to reach new areas.

Exploration Strategies

With the Draupnir Spear in hand, players have the ability to solve most of the puzzles in “God of War Ragnarok”. This not only enriches the gameplay experience, but also encourages retroactive exploration of previously visited realms, where new areas now become accessible.

God of War Ragnarok is available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Break Golden Cracks God War Ragnarok

