Chinese man arrested at airport with 1kg of gold hidden in hand luggage

Chinese man arrested at airport with 1kg of gold hidden in hand luggage
Chinese man arrested at airport with 1kg of gold hidden in hand luggage

Seized gold bar

Photo: Federal Police | Disclosure

A man of Chinese nationality was arrested at the airport in Foz do Iguaçuin Paraná, after trying to board a plane with a gold bar of 1 kg. This Friday, the 10th, Terra found that the man had hidden the material in his hand luggage.

According to the Federal policethe foreigner was stopped during the airport inspection carried out by civil aviation protection agents last Wednesday, 8th. They suspected a high-density object, located inside one of his suitcases.

During the inspection, the gold bar it was found wrapped in dark plastic tape and aluminum foil. The passenger did not have legal documentation to carry the material. With a plane ticket to Congonhas airport, in São Paulo, he told Federal Police who had purchased the gold bar in Brazil for US$69,000.

The man was arrested for the crime of usurpation of union property and taken to the Federal Police Station in Foz do Iguaçu, to prepare the arrest and seizure of the gold bar.

Source: Redação Terra

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Chinese man arrested airport #1kg gold hidden hand luggage

