Ex-‘The Voice’ recalls image disorder before gaining weight: ‘Today, fat or thin, I’m happy!’ | News

Ex-‘The Voice’ recalls image disorder before gaining weight: ‘Today, fat or thin, I’m happy!’ | News
Ex-‘The Voice’ recalls image disorder before gaining weight: ‘Today, fat or thin, I’m happy!’ | News

The Bahian singer Aila Menezes35 years old, who participated in the The Voice Brazil in 2013, he opened his heart to his followers on Instagram this Thursday (9) and remembered the time when he suffered from Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), also known as image disorder, which is a mental condition related to a preoccupation exaggerated with its own image.

“#TBT to when I believed that there was an ideal body to be happy with! In this photo, I went on such a crazy diet that I was below the ideal weight for my height! I went on crazy diets, and took weight loss pills all the time! With this body there, I thought I was fat and I still heard from some people that I really needed to lose another 6 kilos. I HAD IMAGE DISTORTION!”, began the artist, who is a reference for female empowerment and body positive (a movement that preaches that it is necessary have a positive and sincere look at self-image) on social media.

“Little did I know that there is no perfect body for happiness! Little did I know that happiness was already there… living within me! Little did I know that the number on a mannequin does not define our soul! Today, fat or thin, I am whole! And happy!” he continued.

Aila — who has declared that she has had depression since she was 11 years old — warned her followers about strict diets to lose weight. “Don’t fall into traps! Don’t let them offer you miracle medicines, and crazy diets that make you sick! If you’re going to go on a diet, look for a serious professional! If you want to have surgery, look for good and competent professionals. Don’t believe that being thin or fat is the passport to happiness! Happiness is not in our bodies”, he argued.

“I talk about this today with ease! But it already hurt a lot to talk about it! The true passport to your happiness IS TO LOVE YOURSELF! Whatever the case, LOVE YOURSELF! ACCEPT YOURSELF! Remembering that happiness has nothing to do with being fat, or fit, or thin ! Happiness is about feeling good, loving yourself and being at peace with yourself!”, he said.

“Today, regardless of the body I’m in, I love myself! And if I want to change, I’ll change! Always looking for the best version of myself! My body is FREE! And so is my soul! And I thank this girl in the photo who made me reach woman that I am today! How proud I am of my journey! May the best version of us always emerge!laughter)! I’m ready,” she concluded.

2 of 8 Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

3 of 8 Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

4 of 8 Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

5 of 8 Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Aila Menezes before gaining weight — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

6 of 8 Aila Menezes these days — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Aila Menezes these days — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

7 of 8 Aila Menezes these days — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Aila Menezes nowadays — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

8 of 8 Aila Menezes these days — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Aila Menezes these days — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
