After a heart attack, a lawyer suffers an accident on the way to the emergency room in Rio Branco | Acre

After a heart attack, a lawyer suffers an accident on the way to the emergency room in Rio Branco | Acre
After a heart attack, a lawyer suffers an accident on the way to the emergency room in Rio Branco | Acre

1 of 1 Lawyer has a heart attack and suffers an accident on the way to hospital — Photo: Reproduction/ Rede Amazônica
Lawyer has a heart attack and suffers an accident on the way to hospital — Photo: Reproduction/ Rede Amazônica

After suffering a heart attack, lawyer Romano Gouveia was involved in a vehicle collision while on his way to the emergency room in Rio Branco. The accident happened on Thursday night (9), at the intersection of Silvestre Coelho and Alexandre Lopes streets, in Bairro Bosque.

According to the Military Police Operations Center (Copom), no one was seriously injured during the accident. A witness reportedly informed the agency that the driver of the car in which the lawyer was traveling had fled after the accident.

No representatives from Gouveia were found until the last update of this report. g1 contacted the driver of the other car involved in the crash. He, who suffered minor scratches and bruises, declined to comment on what happened and said that everything had already been resolved.

Necila Fernandes, state coordinator of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu), states that the lawyer was taken to the emergency room by third parties. “Samu was not called,” she explains.

The unit’s director, Lourenço Vasconcelos, confirmed the lawyer’s arrival at the scene. He also said that as soon as he arrived at the scene, Gouveia went to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). “He is seriously intubated,” he said.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: heart attack lawyer suffers accident emergency room Rio Branco Acre

