Consumers notice an increase in the price of rice in markets in Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro

Consumers notice an increase in the price of rice in markets in Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro
Consumers notice an increase in the price of rice in markets in Rio de Janeiro | Rio de Janeiro
1 of 2 Consumers notice an increase in the price of rice in markets in Rio de Janeiro

Consumers notice an increase in the price of rice in markets in Rio de Janeiro Gabriel Freitas / CBN

The floods in Rio Grande do Sul are already impacting rice prices in supermarkets in Rio de Janeiro. The report from CBN found, this Friday (10), that there was a slight increase in prices in some markets, where the labels were updated, showing that there were price changes from one day to the next. Consumers also noticed an increase of around R$0.80 in some brands of 1 kg rice.

To avoid shortages due to an increase in demand, some supermarkets are limiting purchases to three units of rice per customer, whether 1 kg or 5 kg.

In a supermarket in Gamboa, in the Central Region of Rio, customers say they have already noticed a change in rice prices and are afraid of a possible shortage.

Customers say they have already noticed a change in rice prices

The management of some supermarkets reported that, for now, there are no shortages. Rice stocks are as expected, with all brands available. They do not guarantee, however, that the situation will remain stable in the coming weeks, but they emphasize that there is no need for an intense rush by consumers to stock up on rice.

On the shelves, brands that use rice produced in Rio Grande do Sul are predominant. The state stands out in national production, with crops in regions such as Uruguaiana, Alegrete and Santa Vitória do Palmar.

In addition to Rio Grande do Sul, states such as Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás and Tocantins also produce rice, but on a smaller scale compared to the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

2 of 2 Some supermarkets are limiting purchases to three units of rice per customer — Photo: Gabriel Freitas / CBN
Some supermarkets are limiting purchases to three units of rice per customer — Photo: Gabriel Freitas / CBN

Given the importance of Rio Grande do Sul in national production, the federal government is already considering the possibility of importing more rice.

A CBN awaiting an official note from the Rio State Supermarkets Association (Asserj) to understand whether the limitation on sales came from the entity. The report also awaits the position of the state and municipal Procon on actions to monitor and inspect abuses in price increases.


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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Consumers notice increase price rice markets Rio Janeiro Rio Janeiro

