Central Bank explains how to recover Pix for those who fell victim to a scam


Video published by the institution explains how to resolve the situation

Gabriella Pinheiro – May 10, 2024

Pix breaks record and exceeds 200 million transactions in one day Central Bank explains how to recover Pix for those who fell victim to a scam
(Photo: Marcello CasaL Jr / Agência Brasil)

If you fell for a Pix scam and, by chance, are lost and don’t know how to reverse the situation and recover the amount, you can rest assured. This is because the situation is not lost and can still be resolved.

A video published by the Central Bank (BC) on Wednesday (08) through the official Instagram page explains how to get the money back quickly and practically.

Want to know more about? Read until the end and find out.

Central Bank explains how to recover Pix for those who fell victim to a scam

Did you happen to hire a service using Pix, but in the end you discovered it was a fraud and ended up falling for a scam? Know that the situation has to be reversed.

In a video published on Instagram, the Central Bank explains that it is possible to block the payment and even recover all the money lost during the action.

According to the institution, if previously the process required the person to go to the police, open a police report, so that the bank could notify the scammer’s financial institution that it was a fraud, now, with the precautionary block, the institution in Once the scammer receives the funds, he can block the amounts on his own.

If the bank is suspicious of the action, it will check whether it is fraud and leave the money held in the account for up to 72 hours while the action is investigated.

If the action is proven, the person will be able to recover the money from the action and, in this way, the entire fraud will be undone.

Even so, it is also possible to file a complaint with your own bank, in cases of scams, for example, WhatsApp, and report the incident to the police to try to recover the amount and resolve the situation.

See the video:

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Central Bank explains recover Pix fell victim scam

