Madonna dancer who lives in Portugal praises the SNS

Madonna dancer who lives in Portugal praises the SNS
Madonna dancer who lives in Portugal praises the SNS

Tamara Levinson, the talented dancer, who has worked with Madonna, and Argentine actress, recently shared a sincere praise for Portugal’s National Health System on Instagram. In a gesture of pride and gratitude, Tamara highlighted the positive experience she had with her husband, Ruben, who underwent a transplant.

Tamara expressed deep admiration for the support and help that Portugal offered during Ruben’s challenging period. Although the National Health System faces serious challenges, as we all know, the dancer emphasized that, even so, the quality and accessibility of the medical care provided were exceptional. Tamara reflected on the possibility that Ruben and she would face a different reality in another country, like the United States, where the necessary surgery could be inaccessible and, probably, Ruben would no longer be here.

This transformative moment awakened such a great appreciation for Portugal in Tamara that the dancer is considering starting the process to obtain Portuguese citizenship, a decision that was previously not in her plans.

Tamara’s recognition is a powerful reminder of the importance of valuing and protecting our Health System.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Madonna dancer lives Portugal praises SNS

