Ljubomir enters hotel hell: SIC chooses candidates for Hotel Hell | Television

Ljubomir enters hotel hell: SIC chooses candidates for Hotel Hell | Television
Ljubomir enters hotel hell: SIC chooses candidates for Hotel Hell | Television

After a long career in the kitchen – including on TV, with several Masterchef, Kitchen Nightmares and Hell’s Kitchen – the television career of chef 100 Ways, Ljubomir Stanisic, who these days is dedicated to launching his Mestiço wines, moves on to the fourth (and beyond).

SIC prepares Hotel Hella format in which Ljubomir will tour the country as a special guest of some hotels, something between a guest from hell and a critical but well-intentioned consultant: using all his experience in restaurants and the hotel and tourism industry, the chef and presenter returns “in force”, SIC had already announced, “to save the business of hotel owners”.

The program will be similar to Nightmare in the Kitchen, in which Ljubomir went from restaurant to restaurant pointing out flaws in his direct and, let’s say, assertive way, in order to “save” these commercial houses, but with the hotel industry as a backdrop.

Hotel Hell, the original, had already been seen in Portugal on SIC Radical

For now, the search and selection of candidates is underway by the program’s executive producer, Fremantle​. “If you are the owner of a hotel, guest house, inn or local accommodation and want to improve the conditions of your space or the quality of the service, sign up now”, announced SIC back in April.

A form is available on the hotelhell.pt website in which anyone can register a hotel or similar – the last question is precisely “If you are not an owner, have you spoken to the owner about registering?”.

The online document asks for several basic information: whether it has a restaurant, how many rooms, prices, number of employees, history, whether it is a family business, etc.

But they also ask for more juicy details: “what are the hotel’s five strong points” and, as one would expect, “make a list of five problems where the hotel needs more help” (with good examples: “It could be debts, guests, cleaning, staff, etc.”).

Hotel by hotel, you can already imagine that there will be a lot of drama and some chills in this Hotel Hell. “The experience of the year is coming and it promises to heat up”, guarantees SIC, which points to the debut “soon”.

Internationally, it was chef superstar Gordon Ramsay playing “God and the Devil” in Hotel Helland in Portugal the program was broadcast precisely by SIC Radical (in the first advertisement for the program, as a casting, SIC uses images from the original program).

Interestingly, the Portuguese hotel hell will be another TV moment in which the careers of Stanisic and Ramsay intersect, as the chef British was the star of the Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares in the original) and Hell’s Kitchenin addition to also being the master in some seasons of the US version of MasterChef.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Ljubomir enters hotel hell SIC chooses candidates Hotel Hell Television

