Here are the competitors of ‘Congela’, Pedro Teixeira’s new program


A TVI is preparing to debut another innovative format soon. ‘Congela’ is the channel’s new competition that will be presented by Pedro Teixeira.

In a statement to the newsrooms, the television station revealed who the contest’s competitors will be, all of whom are already well known to the public.

We talk about Ana Sofia Martins, Bruno de Carvalho, Diogo Amaral, Gabriela Barros, Manuel Marques, Matilde Breyner, Raquel Tillo, Sara Prata and
Tiago Teotónio Pereira.

“‘Congela’ is a fun endurance game show where participants ‘freeze’. The objective is to remain still during the game. The challenge will be to control emotions as much as possible and withstand any discomfort or desire to laugh, that is, they have to be cold as ice”, explains the channel.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: competitors Congela Pedro Teixeiras program

