Daughter Leonor forces Felipe and Letizia to remain together “on paper”. Despite the marriage being ruined… – The Mag

Daughter Leonor forces Felipe and Letizia to remain together “on paper”. Despite the marriage being ruined… – The Mag
Daughter Leonor forces Felipe and Letizia to remain together “on paper”. Despite the marriage being ruined… – The Mag

The controversies seem to have stuck to the Spanish crown, like a second skin, and there isn’t a day that goes by that more information doesn’t come to light about the scandal that is shaking the neighboring country’s monarchy.: Letizia’s alleged infidelity, for years, towards the king, exposed by her alleged lover and ex-brother-in-law, Jaime del Burgo.

And if, at the beginning, when he discovered the infidelity, the king Philip VI was in shock and quickly closed her eyes to the situation so as not to further tarnish the image of the royal house, according to the well-known journalist Pilar Eyre. The two would end up following, without their intention, the example of Sofia and Juan Carlos who, for much of their reign, lived in a sham marriage, with the king keeping numerous mistresses.

However, despite Felipe VI having agreed to continue with the marriage even after discovering the infidelities, the truth is that, according to the Spanish press, it is irretrievably lost. Even so, divorce, according to the main media, is not a hypothesis, and everything is based on the future of their daughter, Leonor.

letizia, leonor, felipe


Felipe VI, Oath of the Flag

Photo: Getty Images

Felipe VI, Oath of the Flag

Photo: Getty Images

Leonor, Felipe VI, Oath of Flag

Photo: Getty Images

Felipe VI, Oath of the Flag

Photo: Getty Images

Leonor, Felipe VI, Oath of Flag

Photo: Getty Images

Felipe VI, Oath of the Flag

Photo: Getty Images

Felipe VI, Oath of the Flag

Photo: Getty Images

This would have been the commitment for the kings to keep the marriage on paper and public harmony, although inside the palace things are very different, with the distance marking what was once one of the favorite couples not only in the neighboring country, but also for aficionados of European royalty.

“Felipe and Letizia showed themselves united to guarantee not only their reign, but also the future of the crown”said expert on Spanish royalty Maica Vasco, denouncing that the situation was serious to the point that Letizia, in the heyday of her passion, spent time in New York with her lover, traveling to Spain only for official engagements.

Despite the turmoil, the couple managed to contain the scandal for years and all to maintain the image of a crown already sick with the scandals surrounding Juan Carlos’ exile, the controversies over the use of public funds and the former king’s infidelity. .

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Medialivre

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Medialivre

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Medialivre

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Royal House of Spain

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Medialivre

Letizia and Felipe VI

Photo: Medialivre


Despite the facade, experts have no doubt that the marriage, in the sentimental sense of the term, is over for Felipe VI and Letizia, with there being no chance of them becoming a couple again.

According to the Spanish press, the king’s disappointment and hurt are too palpable, so there will be no chance of forgiving the woman he once loved.

The infidelity scandal, discovered several years ago by the king and now made public, was even the reason why the couple ruled out the possibility of having more children, guaranteeing the future of the crown with Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia.

Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


Infanta Sofia of Spain


King Felipe, Letizia, Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia


King Felipe VI, Infanta Sofia


King Felipe VI, Infanta Sofia


Confirmation of Infanta Sofia, Leonor, Letizia

Photo: Cofina Media

Infanta Sofia, Princess Leonor

Photo: Spanish royal house

Infanta Sofia, Letizia

Photo: Cofina Media

Confirmation of Infanta Sofia, Leonor

Photo: Cofina Media

Spanish royal family, Letizia, Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia

Photo: Instagram

Letizia, Sofia and the infanta

Photo: Cofina Media

Letizia, Infanta Sofia


Letizia, Leonor, Sofia and the infanta

Photo: Cofina Media

However, there are those who say that the two young women were quite shaken by the whole case and that they too are now considering a future away from the crown, and one that does not involve perpetuating the same mistakes as their parents.

According to the media in the neighboring country, Sofia and Leonor are “sorry” for their mother and are now trying to forgive Letizia in light of what they now know about her behavior. However, this family management will not be easy, with the two’s natural tendency to side with their father, as they consider that Letizia was not correct in the way she conducted the marriage. All this is resulting in a family in reverse…

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Daughter Leonor forces Felipe Letizia remain paper marriage ruined .. Mag

