Debast is very close to being a reinforcement for Sporting – I Liga

Debast is very close to being a reinforcement for Sporting – I Liga
Debast is very close to being a reinforcement for Sporting – I Liga

Zeno Debast should even sign for Sporting. The central defender, just 20 years old, is very close to becoming the Lions’ first reinforcement for next season.

According to the newspaper A Bola, the process to sign him has progressed in recent days, with the green and whites getting closer to Anderlecht’s demands to release the young defender. The next step will involve signing a long-term contract, lasting around five years. The player must be protected by a release clause worth 80 million euros, the same as Diomande. The player will cost the Lions’ coffers between 16 and 18 million euros.

Remember that Debast has long been a value identified by Sporting’s scouting and has characteristics that please Rúben Amorim. In addition to his physical build, he is used to the three-central model that has been the team’s trademark since the Portuguese coach’s reign.

In relation to the sector, Coates will continue, it will also be the case of Eduardo Quaresma who will renew. Neto, St. Juste and Diomande are not yet guaranteed continuity.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Debast close reinforcement Sporting Liga



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