All 17 ministers of the new Government have already taken office – Politics

All 17 ministers of the new Government have already taken office – Politics
All 17 ministers of the new Government have already taken office – Politics

The Prime Minister, Luís Montenegro, and the 17 ministers of the XXIV Constitutional Government take office today, at 6 pm, at the Ajuda National Palace.

This will be the third executive that the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, will take office – but the first led by the PSD, the party he already presided over – and neither of the previous two fulfilled their mandate to the end.

In the Ambassadors’ Room, the head of state will inaugurate the prime minister and then the 17 ministers, who will be called one by one, in hierarchical order, to take the oath and sign the instrument of inauguration.

The Secretaries of State of the XXIV Constitutional Government, who are not yet known, will only take office on Friday.

By the minute
Updated Apr 2, 2024 | 18:15

18:11 | 02/04

Morning mail

Luís Montenegro takes office as prime minister

Luís Montenegro took office as prime minister and new ministers followed, called in accordance with the organic law.

Paulo Rangel, Minister of State and Foreign Affairs
Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, Minister of State and Finance
António Leitão Amaro, Minister of the Presidency
Nuno Melo, Minister of Defense
Rita Júdice, Minister of Justice
Margarida Blasco, Minister of Internal Administration
Fernando Alexandre, Minister of Education
Ana Paula Martins, Minister of Health
Miguel Pinto Luz, Minister of Infrastructure and Housing
Pedro Reis, Minister of Economy
Maria do Rosário Ramalho, Minister of Labor and Social Security
Maria da Graça Carvalho, Minister of the Environment
José Manuel Fernandes, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
Dalila Rodrigues, Minister of Culture

18:01 | 02/04

Morning mail

The inauguration ceremony of the Government headed by Luís Montenegro begins

17:50 | 02/04

Morning mail

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa arrives at Palácio da Ajuda for the Government inauguration ceremony

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, is the last to arrive at Palácio da Ajuda for the Government inauguration ceremony.

17:40 | 02/04

Morning mail

Luís Montenegro is already at Palácio da Ajuda to take office as prime minister

Luís Montenegro is already at the Ajuda Palace to take office as prime minister. The outgoing head of Government, António Costa, arrived shortly afterwards.

The Ambassadors’ Room will host the inauguration ceremony of the new Government

17:21 | 02/04

Diogo Carreira

Ministers begin to arrive at the Ajuda National Palace

Pedro Reis, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, Miguel Pinto Luz, Rita Júdice, Margarida Balseiro Lopes and Margarida Blasco are already in Ajuda National Palace to take office as ministers.

BE and PCP absent from the inauguration, PS without Pedro Nuno Santos

BE and PCP will not be present at the inauguration ceremony of the prime minister and ministers of the XXIV Constitutional Government, while for the PS there will be Alexandra Leitão and not the socialist leader Pedro Nuno Santos.

A Blocist source told the Lusa agency that, “as happened in the past, the Left Bloc will not be represented at the inauguration of a right-wing Government”.

A communist source explained that it was “the PCP’s practice for decades not to participate in the inauguration of governments.”

In turn, the PS will be present, but without general secretary Pedro Nuno Santos, being represented by leader Alexandra Leitão, a PS source told Lusa.

Government of Montenegro is the third with the most women in the history of democracy

The XXIV Constitutional Government will include 17 ministers in addition to the prime minister, a number similar to that of António Costa’s last executive, and will be the third most equal in democracy, with 41% of the government team made up of women.

Who are the new ministers chosen by Montenegro and where have they been?

The prime minister-designate, Luís Montenegro, presented this Thursday to the President of the Republic the names of the 17 ministers of the PSD and CDS-PP minority government.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: ministers Government office Politics



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