See Viih Tube and Eliezer’s daughter’s birthday in numbers: 800 memories, 8 attractions and 3 days of celebration | TV & Celebrities

See Viih Tube and Eliezer’s daughter’s birthday in numbers: 800 memories, 8 attractions and 3 days of celebration | TV & Celebrities
See Viih Tube and Eliezer’s daughter’s birthday in numbers: 800 memories, 8 attractions and 3 days of celebration | TV & Celebrities

1 of 6 Viih, Eli and Lua on the girl’s last month’s birthday — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Viih, Eli and Lua on the girl’s last birthday — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

2 of 6 Resort where there will be a party for the Moon, daughter of Viih and Eliezer — Photo: Disclosure
Resort where there will be a party for the Moon, daughter of Viih and Eliezer — Photo: Disclosure

“I say it’s a little porridge, right, to be more childish. It’s going to be very tasty. If I were a child and saw all the attractions there in person, I would be delighted. It’s like Disney and that’s what we want with children It’s going to be a really nice weekend as they come home hungover from all the fun.”

3 of 6 Viih Tube and Eliezer with Lua and the dogs; on the right, invitation for the daughter’s first birthday — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Viih Tube and Eliezer with Lua and the dogs; on the right, invitation for the daughter’s first birthday — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Congratulations will take place at 6pm on Saturday. Everything began to be organized into November last year and it took 5 days of assembly for the party to be as the couple dreamed. Look at the gigantic numbers:

  • 150 people working on the event;
  • 450 guests;
  • 8 attractions;
  • 800 souvenirs;
  • 600 square meters of the resort reserved just for the party (the equivalent to the size of Luíza Sonza’s house with five bedrooms, dining room, fireplace room, office and three parking spaces);
  • Lots of balloons and flowers.

4 of 6 Resort where the Moon Party will take place — Photo: Disclosure
Resort where the Moon Party will take place — Photo: Disclosure

Despite there being three days of celebration, the big day, or the day of congratulations, will take place on the April 13th.
There, after a great lunch, parents and guests will begin to enjoy shows by people like Larissa Manoela and Mundo Bita.

That day, Viih and Eliezer asked the little guests to be dressed in your favorite animal.

5 of 6 Larissa Manoela is one of the Lua party attractions — Photo: Instagram
Larissa Manoela is one of the Lua party attractions — Photo: Instagram
  • 1pm – Mundo Bita;
  • 2pm – Babytube;
  • 2:30 pm – Bolofofos;
  • 3:30 pm – Larissa Manoela;
  • 4pm – Luccas Neto’s class;
  • 4:30 pm – Galinha Pintadinha;
  • 5pm – Manu do Batidão;
  • 6pm – Congratulations from Lua.

Recreation: fairy wings and animal mask workshop, sack race, parachute game, slime workshop, hair and makeup dressing room, balloon sculpture and tattoo and treasure hunt at dinner.

6 of 6 Eliezer, Viih Tube, moon and dogs dressed as Teletubbies — Photo: Fabiana Monteiro
Eliezer, Viih Tube, moon and dogs dressed as Teletubbies — Photo: Fabiana Monteiro

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Viih Tube Eliezers daughters birthday numbers memories attractions days celebration Celebrities



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