25 managers have not yet reported to TCE-AM; Deadline ends today (1st)

25 managers have not yet reported to TCE-AM; Deadline ends today (1st)
25 managers have not yet reported to TCE-AM; Deadline ends today (1st)

From the Editor |

Less than 24 hours before the deadline for submitting financial statements for the year 2023 to the Court of Auditors of the State of Amazonas (TCE-AM), 25 managers have not yet completed sending the financial statements and have until 11:59 p.m. from this Monday, April 1st, to send it through the E-contas system.

Until the last update of the submission monitoring platform, at 4:30 pm today, of the total of 384 jurisdictional bodies, 359 public managers had already sent the provision, including the State Government and the City Hall of Manaus, delivering the documentation ( budgetary, financial and equity balance sheets, monthly balance sheets, among others), which informs how they used public funds.

Among those pending are 25 bodies, relating to city halls, municipal councils and funds, local authorities and their own social security schemes. Of this number, eleven have not yet forwarded any files.

From midnight onwards, anyone who fails to submit their accounts may be fined for being late.
The measure is also a way of presenting to society how bodies used public money in 2023.

Who should be accountable

The content of a report of accounts is regulated in the rules that direct the activities of the Court, in particular, the Organic Law and the Internal Regulations of the Court – respectively Law no. 2,423 of December 10, 1996 and Resolution No. 04 of May 23, 2002.
Any natural person, body or entity that uses, collects, stores, manages or administers money, goods and public values ​​must be accountable to the Amazon Court of Accounts, including city halls and municipal chambers, development funds, foundations, state and municipal departments , between others. Submission must be made exclusively electronically, using the e-Contas portal, through the virtual address https://econtas.tce.am.gov.br.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: managers reported TCEAM Deadline ends today #1st



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