Carlos Cruz’s grandson devastates Cristina Ferreira after a remark about a non-binary contestant on ‘Big Brother’ – Ferver


Recently on TVI’s ‘Dois à 10’ program, Cristina Ferreira spoke with Luísa Castel-Branco and Zé Lopes about the new contestants who entered the ‘Big Brother’ house.

When they talked about Jacques Costa, who is the first non-binary contestant – who does not identify with either the female or male gender -, to enter the most watched house in the country and who asked Cláudio Ramos at the first gala to being addressed with female pronouns, the TVI presenter did not comply with the young woman’s request.

“I’m going to say it, because for me it’s simpler to say”said the director of Entertainment and Fiction at Queluz de Baixo station in a conversation with the two commentators, which didn’t please many people.

This was the case of Noah Cruz, the son of Marta Cruz and grandson of Carlos Cruz, who showed his indignation through a ‘story’ he published on social media. “Shame that there are people like that representing Portuguese television. They still want Portugal to evolve in mentality”can be read in the young man’s publication.

Note: they may not understand, they may not be in favor… but respect for human beings is a favor! Regardless of gender, sexuality or whatever, there are minimums in a society”concluded Carlos Cruz’s grandson.

Remember that Noah Cruz recently underwent a sex change. The young man was a girl, her name was Yasmin Cruz and after the sex change process she became a boy, a change for which he was satisfied and proud.

Noah Cruz’s ‘story’ criticizing Cristina Ferreira’s attitude towards ‘Big Brother’ competitor, Jacques Costa

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Carlos Cruzs grandson devastates Cristina Ferreira remark nonbinary contestant Big Brother Ferver



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