“you think you’re the queen of this sh*t?”

“you think you’re the queen of this sh*t?”
“you think you’re the queen of this sh*t?”

Catarina Miranda is receiving more and more opposition in the Big Brother ‘house’, and this time the atmosphere became very tense with Renata Andrade.

The kitchen tasks were the motto for the discussion, and Renata Andrade exploded with Catarina Miranda, “If you were fired, if you are no longer a supervisor, you don’t have to tell me whether I have to wash the dishes or not (… ) and I don’t care what Gabriel said.

He also said, “Oh man, oh Catarina, you’re starting to get a little disgusting. Oh, yeah, look again, come on, Catarina, yeah, get a bit disgusted, get fucked up, fuck*****, It’s already making me really sick, isn’t it a little?.”

The northern woman exploded, “They’re going to screw me with this shit. If she was removed from being a supervisor, she’s not a shit supervisor. There is no way to tell me that I have to wash the dishes when there are two people responsible for washing the dishes. And I had to wash the dishes all the time.”

Renata Andrade continues, “And I’m packing my bags, moving to that room because of shit every time. P****. But who does she think she’s the queen of this shit?

See here the moment.



NEXT Jessica Athayde surrendered to Brazil