Four new deaths from dengue are confirmed in Bahia; number of cases rose to 27 | Bahia

Four new deaths from dengue are confirmed in Bahia; number of cases rose to 27 | Bahia
Four new deaths from dengue are confirmed in Bahia; number of cases rose to 27 | Bahia

1 of 2 Aedes aegypti mosquito is the transmitter of dengue, zika and chikungunya — Photo: Raul Santana/Fiocruz/Disclosure
The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the transmitter of dengue, zika and chikungunya — Photo: Raul Santana/Fiocruz/Disclosure

Four new deaths from dengue were confirmed by the State Health Department (Sesab) this Tuesday (2). As a result, the total number of deaths from the disease in the state rose to 27.

Check the list of municipalities where deaths were recorded:

Until Monday (1st), 275 municipalities in Bahia were in a state of epidemic of dengue, while another 56 were at risk and 16 on alert.

Also according to Sesab, Bahia has a fatality rate of 1.5, lower than the national average.

In addition to dengue, the aedes aegypti mosquito also transmits two other arboviruses: zika and chikungunya.

This year, two deaths from chikungunya were recorded in the municipalities of Teixeira de Freitas and Ipiaú. No deaths from Zika have been confirmed.

2 of 2 Vaccines were relocated to cities in Bahia — Photo: Ascom Sesab
Vaccines were relocated to cities in Bahia — Photo: Ascom Sesab

Around 15 thousand doses of dengue vaccines began to be redistributed to 10 municipalities in Bahia this Tuesday.

The decision was taken based on authorization from the Ministry of Health for the redistribution of vaccines with an expiration date of April 30. The objective is that no dose is missed.

Until this Tuesday, the public that can be vaccinated for free in Bahia is made up of children and adolescents between 10 and 14 years old.

Check out the cities that will receive the vaccines and the number of doses:

  • Vitória da Conquista – 6,670
  • Serrinha – 1,555
  • Jacaraci – 220
  • Caetité – 903
  • Barra do Choça – 672
  • Teixeira de Freitas – 3,251
  • Morro do Chapéu -710
  • Piripa – 125
  • Macaúbas – 873
  • Beautiful – 349

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