Thiago Nigro shows before and after and reflects on changing style | Entertainment

Thiago Nigro shows before and after and reflects on changing style | Entertainment
Thiago Nigro shows before and after and reflects on changing style | Entertainment

Thiago Nigro used his social networks to reflect on his change of style, this Thursday (28.03).

The investor’s change did not only happen in the way he dressed, but also in his daily choices. In 7 months with his wife Maíra CardiThiago Nigro lost 23 kg.

In his Instagram Stories, he shared a photo of himself from 2021, in which he appeared wearing a sweatshirt and a beard larger than his current one.

“In 2021, I dressed like this,” he wrote in the caption of the record. In the second photo, he appears wearing a cotton shirt, with a very short, clean beard. “In 2024, I’m dressing like this.”

“One of the things I’ve realized in recent years is that you are a reflection of what you wear. I’ve always worn sweatpants. I’ve always maintained that it doesn’t matter what clothes you wear. What really matters are the results you generate. But this it’s incomplete”, reflected Maíra Cardi’s husband.

“It’s incomplete because, whether you like it or not, a large part of your result comes from the message you convey — and in large part, it comes from the first impression you make: which in large part comes from the clothes you wear. The sweatshirt – at least for me – it has already fulfilled its function. I continue to use it at home or on rare occasions”, he concludes.

2 of 4 Thiago Nigro — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Thiago Nigro — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

3 of 4 Thiago Nigro — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Thiago Nigro — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

4 of 4 Thiago Nigro — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
Thiago Nigro — Photo: Reproduction/Instagram


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